Monday, January 12, 2015

Memories and Momentos

Sorting through years of keepsakes, memories and "I might use this one day". I have decided to try and de clutter my life somewhat. Yes it will be hard as I am a known horder, it may be from the years of being a single Mum and making use of anything that came my way. However, I have come to the conclusion that now my children are grown with children of their own this is a habit that needs to be adjusted or discarded. Also after seeing my Mother move and the the sorting out that was required after the passing of my Granny, I definitely do not want to do that to my dearest and nearest. 
However, there are some things that I can not part with such as these very fragile Chinese slippers that I remember from my childhood. I also can't bear to part with my first sewing machine though rusty and missing a nut from the top and the little dolls dresser I have had since I was 7 or 8 maybe I will get rid of them one day but I'm not quite ready

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Mark burnt a couple of pallets down at the back yard fire place we have (It is made from some old 4x4 wheel rims and works a treat). I know my daughter in-law will be a little unsettled by that as she has been hinting at pallet furniture for her front deck for ages and Mark has yet to come up with the goods. However, he had a rip roaring fire out there over the weekend and decided to try his hand at damper making again, using a caste iron camp oven he found and cleaned up. Above is the damper on the ashes slowly cooking. He has a new recipe and I think it is a bit better than the one he has been using. Unfortunately he is still burning the base of the damper and has yet to perfect the art of damper cooking. I must admit though this has been his best damper yet, very tasty with cheese mixed through and a lovely golden crust on the top, it was a little more golden brown than what we would like on the base but delicious none the less.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Embroidered Dress

At long last I have finished my dress from the Alabama Chanin book. I am very happy with and and thought I couldn't wait to wear it. Unfortunately I have somewhat enlarged since I started making this some 12 to 18 months ago, therefor, it looks a little tight. So it looks as though my jogging and yoga are not enough and I will need to look at other aspects of my life style that need adjusting. Damn was looking forward to wearing it this coming weekend and somehow I don't think I will be losing 5kg in the next few days or so......

Friday, July 18, 2014

Winter Breakfast

I must admit although I am not very fond of winter I do love porridge in the mornings. This morning I have nuts, banana, mesquite powder, chia seeds and honey. Yum yum in my tum tum. Tomorrow I may have macadamia seeds with coconut or maybe dates will see how I feel.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

First Apple

The first apple of the season from the tree next door. Well after a little care and a bit of water the apple tree next door finally bore fruit. Here is a sample of a perfect little sample, little being the operative word here. So I think I will feed it well cut it back very hard and see what happens. So fingers crossed it will bear next year. I have heard it is too warm here to have much success with apple trees, however I will give it a try as we have had 3 frosts so far this year and a few mornings below 4 degrees. Although the days are warm and sunny I have faith that maybe we may have something more than a mouthful next season.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Cleveland Art Gallery

Went to Cleveland to visit my chiropractor and always pop into the Cleveland Art Gallery to have a look at what they had this month. I love this gallery it such a beautiful space. There are two weavers with an exhibition there at the moment and one in particular I was very much inspired by is A

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Yogafest Brisbane

Into the city again this last weekend to attend the Brisbane Yogafest what a fantastic weekend. Came home totally exhausted though very happy. Had a massage and also a Ayurveda consultation with the wonderful Vicki from Eumundi Medicine Man. It was held at the beautiful Old Museum again and the weather was sublime. Very sad it finished though what a finish it was with a concert held by a new group, can't wait to find out when their next concert will be although their name escapes me at the moment stay tuned, as I am on a mission to find out their name and where and when they next play.