Monday, January 12, 2015

Memories and Momentos

Sorting through years of keepsakes, memories and "I might use this one day". I have decided to try and de clutter my life somewhat. Yes it will be hard as I am a known horder, it may be from the years of being a single Mum and making use of anything that came my way. However, I have come to the conclusion that now my children are grown with children of their own this is a habit that needs to be adjusted or discarded. Also after seeing my Mother move and the the sorting out that was required after the passing of my Granny, I definitely do not want to do that to my dearest and nearest. 
However, there are some things that I can not part with such as these very fragile Chinese slippers that I remember from my childhood. I also can't bear to part with my first sewing machine though rusty and missing a nut from the top and the little dolls dresser I have had since I was 7 or 8 maybe I will get rid of them one day but I'm not quite ready